This is the story of Shambhav Bhujel, a 30-year-old aspiring writer who wants to get a break in films while he deals with various personal demons.
This is the story of Shambhav Bhujel, a 30-year-old aspiring writer who wants to get a break in films while he deals with various personal demons.
Sanol Das
Samrat Bhujel
Roshny Aale
Poonam Shrestha
Dipesh Gajurel
Sanol Das (KFA)
Samrat Bhujel
Roshny Aale
Poonam Shrestha
Dipesh Gajurel
Sanol Das
Sanol Das (KFA)
Pakheta (पँखेटा)
𝐏𝐚𝐤𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐚 is the inspiration and struggle of aspiring actors and filmmakers. This independent film is the feature venture of Kantipur Cinemas | Sanol Das and the team have made this film with the assistance of the Kantipur Film Academy and film students. The film has a length of 1.32 hours, and film has been officially selected for the Nepali Panorama section of the feature film category at the Nepal International Film Festival.
The film will be screened for the first time on 16th March, Saturday (Chaitra 03) at QFX Labim Mall and QFX Chaya Centre ( 8:30 Am ) and later 𝐏𝐚𝐤𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐚 will be streamed exclusively on OTT platform Kantipur Cinemas from 5th April, 2024.