Drama , 2025-01-01 . 00:15:49
"Halo" is a diploma film created by Nim Basnet, a talented fourth-year student from Kantipur Film Academy, marking the culmination of his film studies. The film was entirely shot in the scenic and remote Jajarkot district of Karnali, capturing the beauty and unique atmosphere of the region. The film was first screened on June 24, 2076, at the Film Development Board, Nepal.
Nim Bahadur Basnet'
Nim Bahadur Basnet
Ankit BC
Amrit Kumar Shah
Kantipur Film Academy`
Kantipur Film Academy
Himal Basnet , Dilli Bahadur Shahi , Durga Basnet , Prem Bahadur Basnet , Deu Ram Basnet , Karna Bahadur Basnet